
by MobiSystems


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QUICKmedicine is a concise encyclopaedia of medicine that provides a 'key facts' guide to medical conditions and diseases. The QUICKmedicine database contains over 30,000 pages of information and has a comprehensive index of over 26,000 terms and an easy to use search facility.You buy the app once only and thereafter we will offer complete updates to the database as an in-app purchase. Updates will be made available 2-3 times per year. Updates give you access to the latest clinical information from QUICKmedicine, however they are optional and the app will continue to work if you choose not to update the database.
The content of QUICKmedicine is based on GPnotebook (www.gpnotebook.co.uk); an immediate reference resource that is used by clinicians in the UK and internationally. The medical information contained in QUICKmedicine is based on UK clinical practice and is intended for educational and information purposes only. QUICKmedicine is published by Oxbridge Solutions Limited.